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Red Maple


By Lori

Red Maple (Acer rubrum)

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we had many of these at my parents home, brings back great memories:)

9 Jul, 2008


What part of Ontario are you in Nadia? Not asking for an address just N, S. E. of W...? lol.

9 Jul, 2008


We have one of these in the front yard, very showy in the fall!

10 Jul, 2008


Hi Marguerite... no the one that is most used to make syrup is the Acer saccharum... I used to help my Dad make maple syrup...the pay wasn't the greatest but the fringe benefits were delicious!!

20 Jul, 2008


I just saw your question now Lori sorry. I'm in Petawawa. Its west of Ottawa. My husband is in the military, so we're on the base. But I was born and raised in Ottawa East.

22 Jul, 2008


Man.. that one has nice leaf coloring already ! Can't wait to see it show it's stuff this

24 Jul, 2008 caught me...this is a pic from my it was early autumn last year... from what you see in the picture it went a brilliant orangey red, It lit up the garden even on dull days... and when the leaves fell I didn't rake them...just left them to protect my plants...and raked in the spring when the soil needed to be exposed to warm up...

24 Jul, 2008

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This photo is of "Red Maple or Soft Maple" in Lori's garden

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