The Garden Community for Garden Lovers


By Nadia

A garden flower photo

Comments on this photo


Are the plant stems square? not joking. lol.

9 Jul, 2008


YES their square!! never noticed that

10 Jul, 2008


Plants of the Labiatae have square stems...the mints and bergamots, etc.

17 Jul, 2008


thank you for the tip. I'm a new gardener, with only four years under my belt. any information helps:)

18 Jul, 2008


Glad to help if I am able!

18 Jul, 2008


We have wild garlic growing in the hedgerow behind us, that has a triangular stem. It is the characteristic that we use to identify the plants.

23 Jul, 2008


awesome, ty

25 Jul, 2008

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This photo is of "monarda" in Nadia's garden

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