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my garden plot
By Joanie2

28 Jul, 2013
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my small garden plot keeps me very busy, This year I have grown Runner Beans French Beans White Onions Red Onions 4 different lettuces, Courgetts tomatoes ans Beetroot with which I shall make some delicious beetroot churney with I hope.
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Gardening with friends since
18 Sep, 2013
Gardening is one of the best things anyone could do to relax, unwind and 'getaway from it all.' Like you, I retreat into mine and for a while shut out the rest of the world and become one with the birds, flowers, birds, butterflies and bees. Even the snails are good company when they are not jumping onto my precious Hosta! (I hate the slugs though).
I helped my sister start off on her garden and now she is hooked buying Heather, Hosta, Box and Seedum, planting seeds and spending hours tending to her plants after a hard day's work.
I love gardening.
26 Sep, 2013