The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Yellow/ Orange Carnation


By Gralew

Yellow/ Orange Carnation

All the carnations shown are from side shoots from bunches of carnations I've bought when doing my food shopping.Quite pleased with the results!

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You've done really well! Thought I recognised some of the colour combinations...:o)

29 Jul, 2013


Well done, they are all lovely. I used to do that, but don't buy the carnations very much these days. Lovely colours.

29 Jul, 2013


That is a pretty one Val;0)

29 Jul, 2013


i would never have thought of doing that,Val..are they easy to root? I've never grown them,..only tried Pinks,but they never seemed to come again in my garden..I like the colour,well done..:o)

29 Jul, 2013


Thanks all.
Carole... this is what yours should look like if it flowers, hope it does!
Sandra... easy peasy. Pull some side shoots off, dip in rooting hormone, and stick them in some compost!I have had failures, but not too many.I bought 4 new Pinks this year, 2 have died on me already!
Cinders... I always treat myself to a bunch of these when I go shopping, usually last about 2 weeks

29 Jul, 2013


Youve done well to take cuttings.. they are lovely...

5 Aug, 2013

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