Ligularia przewalskii "Golden Ray"
By Lorilyn57

30 Jul, 2013
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I like that to , the leaves are fabulous !
30 Jul, 2013
It has been slow to settle in but this season the leaves are larger and the flower shoots are taller. This is my fav ligularia...lost Desdemona in the flood...have been looking downstream to see if she might have snagged somewhere. So far no luck tho.
3 Aug, 2013
may be your come upon it when your not looking out for it :):)
from jane...
hope you do.
4 Aug, 2013
thanks Jane...let's hope.
4 Aug, 2013
I used to have this plant too, but it gradually lost vigor due to dryness. Really liked the plant but not for our situation. Yours is too much the other way being swept downstream!
17 Aug, 2013
The little lig, Desdemona, was much closer to the stream...thank goodness the "goldenray" was higher on the bank. The 'Othello" was moved and it doesn't have any blossom as yet...but have found seedlings starting along the dried up banks of the stream. It's pretty weedy in it's wild state...and have yet to have any of the seed from the Othello or Desdemona come true to reverts to the specie when reproduced from seed.
18 Aug, 2013
That is a shame Lori, ligularia not coming true from self seeding.Too many self seeders in our garden coming only too true! Verbena Bonariensis for instance likes to cuddle up to the path.I love it as a plant as it sways gently in the breeze, with its cheer leader bunches held aloft. Butterflies and bees love it. Even OH approves and thinks I should let all of the little Bonars survive.
22 Aug, 2013
I really must try it, Dorjac. A goY friend sent me some seed back in the town garden. It didn't take there...but so much else seems to be right at home here that maybe I could have success with the V.bonariensis??? wouldn't that be great? (I think I agree with your OH...we shouldn't argue with success! lol....;-)
22 Aug, 2013
There was a lot of snow covering in our garden Lori and several Bonars survived this last winter. Your winters are much more severe than even our last winter here in England. It is worth a go if you can get more seed and just rake through and put some stones down with spaces in between. Bonar seems to like crevices. Then take them up about 6 inches tall and plant some where you want them. Maybe leave some in the crevices to grow on if there is a good take. My Bonars came from a garden centre with an informal planted area and they self seeded in rabbit scrapes! Out of public view and they somehow got from there to my garden.
22 Aug, 2013
Oh that's interesting! I've had hitchhikers come in flats from the nursery! I thought that perhaps the seeds were in compost. I have a type of wild verbena growing on the banks of the stream...I thought at first that it was a weed. In the strictest sense it probably is..but I decided to let it grow and it's quite pretty. (purple)...I think I have a pic from last year. Will have to look. Was going to save some of the seed for a friend but the seeds I saved were forgotten in the greenhouse and spent that cold winter in a can on a shelf...I planted them beside the stream this spring but they aren't as healthy as the ones seeded naturally. Nature has a greener thumb than mine! lol.
25 Aug, 2013
Very true Lori. Some self seeders are so efficient they resent human interference! Corydalis Lutea in our garden is an amazing self seeder. Fortunately easy to pull up and rather pretty, not really a weed either. You have some tall blue flowers behind the Ligularia. They don't look like Bonariensis.
25 Aug, 2013
I tried corydalis, too, Dorjac. It didn't come up from seed (in the other garden) The blue/purple in the background is False Vervain..a verbena. I have a pic of it on my other page. (Lori)
27 Aug, 2013
So many visitors over the years have admired Corydalis Lutea in full flower . Taken bits away but none seem to have been able to grow it on. I would say only from seed it dropped from the plant and only where IT wants to be. In my garden it gets everywhere! I think Bonariensis is following that pattern as well.
27 Aug, 2013
I have Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum) that grows wild from seed each year. it's doing what you have described the bonariensis likes a shady spot with rocks and each spring the seed from the previous year comes up in a green mat. good thing I was distracted from pulling it out or cultivating, because it is so pretty that I have left it exactly where it is. Come to think of's doing very well in the shade of a large walnut tree. (doesnt' seem to suffer any affects from the juglone...unlike a large hosta which I must move.) this year I have let oenothera, echium and asters which seeded themselves to thrive unmolested and they have made a wonderful full bed at the front...I'm making note of all the different grasses that grow at the streamside and next season it will be "wild" time! gardening here is an education..I'm really enjoying it.
28 Aug, 2013
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This photo is of "Ligularia przewalskii "Goldenray"" in Lorilyn57's garden
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like very much , i like the sparsness..
30 Jul, 2013