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Euphorbia, Cacti and Plumeria

Euphorbia, Cacti and Plumeria (Euphorbia, Cacti and Plumeria)

The Plumeria tree was hiding in back of the Euphorbia and cacti...also, there was a huge Mexican Fan Palm blocking the view. Photo taken at Imperial Beach, CA. on Aug. 12, 2013.

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now thats what i call a cacti....

from jane...

13 Aug, 2013


LOL! Yes, most Cactus and Euphorbia species, many times grow to tree-like proportions.

13 Aug, 2013



14 Aug, 2013


I should have said they grow to tree-like proportion here in San Diego, CA. LOL!

15 Aug, 2013


That's an impressive combo!

15 Aug, 2013



Thanks! Yes, it was a very beautiful garden.

16 Aug, 2013


I have one largish E.ammak in the front yard, and one in a bathtub planter nearly as big. With urban or global warming..they grow into tree's here in the bay area also. One of my favorite plants because..nothing looks like them.

2 Sep, 2014


That's impressive. I've seen them growing in the SF Bay Area. I think of it being much too wet during winter. Here they are very common.

3 Sep, 2014

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Euphorbia, Cacti and Plumeria.

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