Sunflower 'Soraya'
By Randallsd
- 19 Aug, 2013
- 1 like
Taken August 17th
Comments on this photo
Thanks, I was trying to get a decent picture of your Norfolk Island Pine but the darn flower got in the way.
Seriously though this sunflower really seems to standout. The golden yellow flowers with dark centers almost seem to glow. The stocky plant holds the flowers facing upwards and no staking is needed.
22 Aug, 2013
Your garden looks terrific! I noticed your Plumeria 'Singapore' is blooming very well. My plant is having some issues this year...not sure what going on with it. It hasn't set one flower spike (this is the first year it hasn't set flower spikes since I received it as a cutting from my friend in Hilo, HI back in 1997)
22 Aug, 2013
My white 'Singapore' only has one flower spike so far this year and I really don't see any more are forming. My dwarf pink though has grown a lot with 3 blooming spikes and more on the way.
27 Aug, 2013
Your Singapore looks very healthy, though. Mine looks terrible. It has so few leaves. I think I need to take it out of the pot and re-plant it in better soil. It's been in the same pot with the same soil for around 9 or 10 years.
27 Aug, 2013
Could be time for a move then.
28 Aug, 2013
Yes, I think you right. It did much better in another location. Last year in Sept. a large branch burned up in the really dry heat wave. It was when we had that day it was over 100ºF for 9 hours. It cooked the branch. Since then it hasn't don't well.
28 Aug, 2013
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9 Sep, 2008
That's beautiful! I can see the Norfolk Island Pine in my yard in the background in your pic. :>)
21 Aug, 2013