IMG 1157
By John743

23 Aug, 2013
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im afraid i dont know the name of this hydranga but isnt it beautiful?! such big flowers, what a shame the stems arent strong enough to carry the weight of the flowers though.
27 Aug, 2013
iam not sure of its name either :( sorry but i do think its very lovely....
4 Sep, 2013
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Gardening with friends since
9 Aug, 2009
Can anyone tell me what the name of this Hydranga is, I had it given to me a number of years ago and it always has these very large flowers on, but it has one problem and that is the stems are too slim to be able to carry the weight of the flowers and so have to tie them up to a cane which bunches them up and does not show them off at there best.
23 Aug, 2013