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Sidalcea malviflora 'Elsie Heugh'

Sidalcea malviflora 'Elsie Heugh' (Sidalcea malviflora (Checkerbloom))

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Sidalcea?? Mine seem to have vanished this year.

11 Jul, 2008


it is indeed, i'll see if i can get you some seeds in the autumn if you like Spritz.

11 Jul, 2008


Hi Ang did u collect any seeds form this Lovely Plant ? id love some if poss as its great for attracting Bees :) xxx

11 Mar, 2009


yes Jac, i do have some, i think i have your address....let me just check....yes i do, no probs i'll send you some x

11 Mar, 2009


Hi Jac, did i send you some of these seeds? if so did you have any luck with's just i have loads left - i have'nt got round to sowing them myself and wanted to put them on ebay..but don't like to unless they have been tested, if you know what i mean :-)

15 May, 2009


Hi Ang iv Potted on The Seedlings today il post a Pic l8r :) BTW are they Perrenial? Iv lots i dont think 1 seed didnt grow 4 me :) Hope your Hollyhocks are doing ok ? :)XXX

29 May, 2009


Iv just Googled the name uv given on this Ang & the NHS Garden Pic`s looks Different ? :/

29 May, 2009


well could be Jac, the seeds you have are from the plant in the picture. i bought two roots of this plant from Woolies so it could have been labled wrongly, but it was labled as i have put here. and yes they are perennial... i have a look in the RHS myself and come back to you... and yes hollyhock doing very well thanks Jac, although still got a bit of rust problem going on with them :-( i have treated them and they have picked up :-)

3 Jun, 2009


... just had a look Jac, see what you mean, the pic in RHS guide - the flowers are not as rounded as mine and also the stemien is a different colour. so pehaps the variety was labled wrongly on the box? either that or the flowers in my picture are younger/more mature than the ones in the book? because the discription matches perfectly, i know they are S. malviflora, maybe the variety is different to what it is suposed to be, i don't know but you do get variation in colours and flower shape as they mature. will have to wait and see when they flower again won't we x

3 Jun, 2009

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This photo is of "Prairie Mallow 'Elsie Heugh'" in Majeekahead's garden

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