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Solaris white wine grape.


By Davids

Solaris white wine grape.

Solaris ripening on south facing fence.

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Gosh they look good :o))

10 Sep, 2013


Do you make your own wine?

11 Sep, 2013


Yes Klahanie, I do make wine with the grapes: I have grown them in my garden, for over 40 years; at first, I grew Vitis vinifera, like Muller Thugau, Madeline Angevine, and Reichensteiner, which were growing in German and English vineyards at that time; these were very prone to fungal diseases. As all the effective fungicides were only available to commercial growers, so I garden growers like me, had no way to combat these diseases; that is why I now only grow disease resistant hybrids, most of which have been produced over many decades, by German vine breeders. when I have harvested my grapes, and made the wine, I shall write blog on wine culture.

This has been a good year for most fruit in UK, and I hope to make about 30 bottles of red and pink wines.

11 Sep, 2013


Good for you David. We have a friend who has about 1/3 on an acre in grapes and makes his own wine as well. We also live just few hundreds yards from a commercial winery and they make excellent Ortega wine. I grow Ortega as well as I like the taste but I only juice it. Do not grow enough to make wine.
Good luck with your grapes this fall. We are having an excellent summer on Vancouver Island as well this year.

11 Sep, 2013


WOW..They look beautiful!

11 Sep, 2013

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