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Daphne cuttings

Daphne cuttings

These are some of my recently rooted daphne cuttings and all of them are flowering at the same time. I don't think I've ever had that happen before.

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That is cute. They seem to be happy.

11 Sep, 2013


They look good still know success this end.

11 Sep, 2013


It still amazes me how thin the line between success and failure can be when propagating anything (especially daphnes!). There are times I don't expect any results and everything roots easy and times where everything seems perfect but then just sits forever without doing anything. I have started using soil conditioner (broken down pine bark, additive for clay soil) and it works much better than the pine mulch I was using. The particles are a little finer and it holds water better than the mulch did (the mulch didn't really hold any so had to really pay attention to water). I still think timing is the most important part, they root easier and slower mid summer on it seems like but the weather here is different. I wonder if it is too cool there? Have you tried bottom heat or even rooting them in a sunny spot?

11 Sep, 2013


Are daphnes your specialty Rk? You have so many different kinds.

11 Sep, 2013


Will try again next year not sure I can find broken down pine bark, bottom heat might make a difference but think I would need better heat control than I have on existing heaters,it very likely that the temperature fluctuation is a factor, it can certainly vary by 10c +& - week on week what would you consider an optimum 24 hour temperature .

12 Sep, 2013


Yes daphnes are my specialty, I was afraid to grow them when I first started growing but after trying them I don't see what is so difficult about them. Mountain laurels are much more difficult for me to grow!
I've had good luck with heat mats, they keep the temperature 10F warmer than the air temp. Temps around 75F are ideal but as long as night temps don't drop below 40F and daytime temps aren't above 85 they usually root okay. The cooler it is the slower they root, the hotter it is the more attention they need.

12 Sep, 2013

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