Hens and Chicks in the creeping Jenny!
By Lorilyn57

12 Sep, 2013
Comments on this photo
interesting. if you have a sandy, sunny, south facing slope with a few rocks they will be quite happy nestled into nooks and crannies.
15 Sep, 2013
I have several pots with these in ,I even have them in holes in bricks I've never heard them called Hens and Chicks , I shall remember that Lori :o)
16 Sep, 2013
They love being crammed in a pot and lots of sun too. I put my hand palm on top of my Semps. If they are a bit pointy and slightly prickly they don't need watering. If no such sensation I give em a sprinkle. Not sure about that creepy plant on top though. Certainly gets everywhere pretty D quick.
23 Sep, 2013
There are two types of creepers there, Dorjac. One is Creeping Jenny, the other Creeping Charlie! CCharlie is everywhere! I had to buy Jenny. Jenny likes any soil and isn't particular about sun or shade but does well in hanging baskets as well as along a rock wall...it makes a lovely green mat and has yellow flowers..Charlie has purple flowers.
24 Sep, 2013
I think the creeping JINNY OR JENNY is bomb proof Lori. It survives draught and extreme neglect and would raid the rest of the garden if given half a chance. I have 2 baskets of it at the bottom of the garden, hanging on low hooks on a metal frame stuck into a little grass patch. I think it is the same plant, but with bright yellow leaves.
25 Sep, 2013
The leaves on my Jinny/Jenny have turned yellow with the frost..and you're sooo right. If it's given rich soil it forms a mat that can choke out weeds! I love it! The batch in the transfer bed is amazingly lush and lusty...the two other batches I have...one under a black walnut tree the other in the front bed...are holding their own in thin sandy soil and it isn't bothered by juglone.
26 Sep, 2013
frost already? :(
28 Sep, 2013
This happened the first autumn we were here, Fh2. And in the first week of Sept. we had three nights with minus 3 the lowest. I was trying to ignore the coolness expecting better temps without confirming it with Env. Canada. will have to post a pic of my one any only blossom on the dahlias...also discovered that I made my veggie plot in a frost pocket! live and learn. just those few degrees of latitude make a real difference, don't they? Lucky you. closest I got to gardening in the Carolingian was Guelph. Loved that city...would go back in a minute.
5 Oct, 2013
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I have these, I keep them boxed! I want to try this with mine
14 Sep, 2013