& After
By Jacque

11 Jul, 2008
Comments on this photo
Thanx Irish i finished it 2 day & im now up dating the Blog on it :) Went on2market but only got4plants as nothing there that i really liked :(
11 Jul, 2008
ah well, maybe next time
11 Jul, 2008
I see you are not sitting out on your chairs or using the sunshade!!!!
11 Jul, 2008
No Chris Weather got wet so i put all the Covers ect away again in shed :(
11 Jul, 2008
I love your curvy flower bed :-) Is the whole of the UK under one great big raincloud :-(
11 Jul, 2008
??????????????? its been nice here in Norfolk this morn with few clouds about, but they z on forecast its going2be a wet WKED AGAIN :( Glad u like the flower bed 2 :)
11 Jul, 2008
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you did a great job there jacque
11 Jul, 2008