The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Sun Flower

Sun Flower

A very dark and mysterious looking sunflower.

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voluptuous!!! nice sunflower...

2 Nov, 2013


Thanks Jane: Could there be a poem here?

2 Nov, 2013


there could be...see what you come up with and i will see what i fined....

2 Nov, 2013


can not fined just yet still looking...

2 Nov, 2013


Feel free! I'm giving you Carte Blanche

2 Nov, 2013


voluptuous sunflower you are purity I embrace amongst absence.

2 Nov, 2013


wow! Now that's deep! I'm moved.

2 Nov, 2013


i could not fined its my own...inspired from a poem by a american poet... written 1845 and i think conceived a few years before being published...

3 Nov, 2013



3 Nov, 2013

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