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Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf' Fruit

Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf' Fruit (Carica papaya 'Thai Dwarf')

My papayas are growing very quickly. It just flowered about a month or so ago. Photo taken Nov. 2, 2013.

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8 Nov, 2013


Yes, yum is right! :>)

It's growing very fast in the hot weather. There's a lot more flowers blooming with small fruit.

11 Nov, 2013


You are so lucky. They are perfect fruits.
How many pieces do you usually grow on the tree?

16 Nov, 2013



Thank. :>)

Yes, I'm very lucky! This papaya plant produces 5 or 6 very large fruits a year. My other papaya varieties usually produce many dozens of fruit on each plant. Some varieties can produce more than a hundred fruits on a each plant (although it's best to thin them out).

16 Nov, 2013

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