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Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood'

Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood'  (Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood')

My Red Riding Hood Mandevilla flowers all year. It's a very common landscape viney shrub here in San Diego, CA. Photo taken Nov. 2, 2013.

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very pretty.

3 Nov, 2013


Thanks! :>)

3 Nov, 2013


Another that does well here (SF bay area) year after year. Stays shrubby too. Indoors they revert to being a vine.

1 Sep, 2014


Yes, I grew this one very well up there. There's a place around Lake Merritt where there's many growing as a groundcover.

2 Sep, 2014

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Pictures by Delonix1
4976 of 6747

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This photo is of species Mandevilla 'Red Riding Hood'.

See who else has plants in genus Mandevilla.

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