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Plot 12A Pumpkins 'Jack O'Lantern' at top of plot 04-11-2013 005


By Balcony

Plot 12A Pumpkins 'Jack O'Lantern' at top of plot 04-11-2013 005

Here my 'Jack O'Lantern' pumpkins will "stand guard" over my allotment plot!

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Lol ... brilliant Balcony ,my son and grandchildren had a bonfire and party on their allotment a good time was had by all :o)

23 Nov, 2013


About a week after putting them on my allotment I was able to go down again & I found them scattered around & broken. Of course my initial thoughts were of vandalism but thinking back on it a few days later I'm not nearly as sure as they may have got broken during the days of very strong winds that we had. They were after all sitting on a ridge & there was no protection from winds. That explanation seems more correct the more I think about it.

25 Nov, 2013


I hope thats what it was Balcony and not vandals ,it is a worry , on the allotment where my son has a plot they have to resort to padlocks on their gates if not things go missing , it's a sad world don't you think when they have to do things like that !

25 Nov, 2013


The council put up a high, 6ft, chain link fence some years ago & made only one entrance way with a padlocked gate which is now the only way in or out. It has a combination lock but anyone could scale the gate if they really wanted to. There have unfortunately been some robberies but fortunately no fires to people's sheds. Nobody keeps anything of value down there.

A year ago the window in our shed was broken but they didn't take anything from the shed.

25 Nov, 2013


They have high individual fences round each plot on our sons allotments but it doesn't deter the ones that are determind I noticed one plot had razor wire along the top which son tells us is illegal ...

25 Nov, 2013


Yes, I'm sure that's illegal! I always think that the more protection you add the more you are advertising the idea that you have something valuable in your shed & that will make your shed more tempting to thieves.

As there is nothing of any value in our shed it is only held shut by a long screw with a red plastic cap on it. There are only a few old tools in there & some old clothing - nothing that is worth the while taking away! Anything more valuable that Gerry might bring down goes back home with him & I've never had anything of value to take down in the first place.

27 Nov, 2013


They have problems with gypsies in that area Balcony they tour the areas everyday looking for anything to eat / steal :o(

27 Nov, 2013

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This photo is of "Pumpkin 'Jack O'Lantern' " in Balcony's garden

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