This plant dominates our view
By Klahanie

6 Nov, 2013
I believe it is dracena. Is it ?
Comments on this photo
What a wonderful view to have !
7 Nov, 2013
The base of the palm is fanning out like the top. Interesting tree & fantastic blue sky.
7 Nov, 2013
Bathgate, it certainly is in its location.
Thank you Hywel. We have chosen this neighbourhood because every house have some kind of view.
Feverfew, the bottom fan are its roots. When we first arrived I thought it was a palm of sort, but then the next day I noticed the other arm. I thought maybe Delonix would tell me if I am right on its ID.
7 Nov, 2013
is the shadow of a statute?
beautiful sky... :-))))
7 Nov, 2013
:-) The shadow is of me taking the picture :-)
7 Nov, 2013
lol... sorry... :-) now i do feel silly...
7 Nov, 2013
Amazing tree or plant ?.. but is this Canada ?
9 Nov, 2013
Hi Gunnel, This is in Mexico. We live in Canada in Summer and in Mexico during the winter. So my pictures (until April) right now are of mexican flora.
10 Nov, 2013
This is a Pandanus species (commonly called screw pine). They're very common along the coast in the tropics/subtropics. It can grow pretty large in time. I have posted photos of them growing here in San Diego close to the coast.
Here's some photos:
11 Nov, 2013
Thanks Delonix, this is the first time I have come across this plant. I looked at your pictures and think that the owner of this property will loose some views if it will become so large. People sometimes forget when they plant how big these trees and plants can get.
11 Nov, 2013
The good news is this plant is easily kept low and small by cutting out the branches. The large branches will root easily into a tree some place else.
13 Nov, 2013
I ordered one. Should get here by near the end of February. A great deal!..3 or even 4' tall he said.
28 Jan, 2016
Where did you order it from? Looking forward to see your picture of it.
28 Jan, 2016
A soucal who delivers California grown tender palms- mostly- to norcarlians like me who never see those for sale here.
Dr.Plumeria he calls himself. I got to admit some things he sells would take a decade to reach the same size here.
So,he saves a whole lot of time..and he delivers potted. Mine? He has to dig up,but I read they are very hardy to being moved. 75$ for a plant with some trunk. He sent a photo. about 4' tall. It has longer leaves then the one in your photo Klahanie...maybe the one I ordered has juvenile floppy leaves.
28 Jan, 2016
Post when you get it Stan.
29 Jan, 2016
Ok,I see the one in Klahanies photo is Pandanus utilis. I ordered Pandanus furcatus. Much If I lose it,cold wont be the reason.
Its kind of a crazy buy..but I have sort of liked to add plants my wife has seen in the Philippines. This is close.
Mine doesnt branch much. Its like a very long leafed tree Aloe.
Different. The only one in Hayward (but I have had people say they are growing it in the bay area-doing fine).
29 Jan, 2016
It's very nice Stan that you are buying trees because of your wife star from me :-)
29 Jan, 2016
Thanks!..I have a "Philippine Firecracker" I bought from Florida two years ago. Clerodendron quadri something. You ever see those(you can google the common name,if have you Klahania,you'll remember) Some orchids, The Plumeria obtusa. Roses,Lemon tree. Others. Sure I like them- but I had her seeing them and saying they remind her of the old country in mind.
She wants an apple tree. Ugh! I'm holding on that far-lol.
30 Jan, 2016
Apple tree is beautiful when it blooms in spring and very useful in the fall (if you like apples). we have 4 old trees. They were on the property when we moved in and we have more apples than we, deer and squirrels can I eat.
31 Jan, 2016
I had to cancel the order. Sudden expenses. I came that close.
Maybe Pandanus seeds are worth a try.
Very disappointing.
I might look for a Santa Rosa plumb Klahanie. Supermarket plums are terrible.
7 Feb, 2016
My favorite plum. I have a tree but it produces very little.
7 Feb, 2016
Sorry to hear about your Pandanus! However, Pandanus is always available. It's available for sale here in San Diego. Sometimes you can find 5 gallon size Pandanus at Home Depot (here).
Santa Rosa plumb is my favorite and I usually don't like plums. My neighbor has a tree.
7 Feb, 2016
Thanks Klahanie,Andy.
I should ask HD. I've done it once. Thats how I got my King palms. Before I asked,HD in Hayward never sold them.
I had thought of asking for Royals and Bizmarckia's too.
BUT! after the gophers..I have to really worry about expensive in ground plants.
The Pandanus was going to be one great big potted plant.
7 Feb, 2016
Look how the roots are fanning on this tree Stan. You would need a really large pot . If I could grow the cultivated Bismarckia with the silvery-blue foliage I would be very happy.
7 Feb, 2016
Bismarckia can grow in a very large pot. It will never get the good blue-silver coloring not unless grown in full, hot sun for most of the day, though.
8 Feb, 2016
I do not think we have full day sun anywhere on our property in Canada Delonix1, I have not seen it sold anywhere around there. I often go to nursery where they have "growing on the edge" section and I have never seen it there. Our temperatures on the island occasionally drop few deg. below 0 in the winter. Looks like this winter they have it warmer there. Around 10 during the day and 8 at night. Which is still cold but not as rest of the Canada. I complain when it dips to 22 here in Mexico. We have coldest winter this year (in Mexico) since we started to come here (2000). At least it feels to me .Sigh.
8 Feb, 2016
Bismarckia is most likely not sold there because it's a palm which doesn't do well outside of warm, sunny climates. It typically isn't a good indoor palm because of its very high light requirements.
What are the low temps there in early morning? (usually the coldest time of the day). Are the highs 22ºC (72ºF)? or are the lows this temp?
It's been warm to hot the last 4 days here. The outlook is for extended hot weather in the 80 - 90ºF (27 - 32ºC) range. Yesterday, it was 87ºF (31ºC), here where I live. Today and tomorrow is suppose to be warmer. Not sure what happened to all our El Niño rains and storms! We need them so badly!
8 Feb, 2016
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It is very stately looking.
6 Nov, 2013