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Daylily cross - Blue Oasis x Unk

Daylily cross - Blue Oasis x Unk

I haven't run out of flowers, yet - something open every day since the end of March. This one has 3 flowers today - one poly and 2 regular. The cooler weather is bringing out the colours, so maybe it would do better in a cooler climate.

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Yes I agree Wylie it'd do better in my garden lol, just like 'Peacock Maiden' would probably do better in yours ;-)
stunning can't believe you still have daylilies looking this good!!!!!

15 Nov, 2013


Thanks - having several still opening, it makes it hard to move things around. The ones I'm getting rid of - no problem. But at the end of next month is when I start my seeds soaking, so I am trying to consolidate the others and get things ready for planting out.

15 Nov, 2013


looks great , and you are just about to start with seeds ...
Simbad we will have to move asap


15 Nov, 2013


I have found that the ones that I put in the ground at the end of March are the strongest plants and flower best the next year.

16 Nov, 2013


Absolute magnificent, you lucky fish!!!

17 Nov, 2013


Very, very lucky. :))

17 Nov, 2013


Wonderful , Wylie .
How low do the temperatures go ?

20 Nov, 2013


There are a few days it will get below 50*F/10C. It has gotten down to 11C one night, already, but bounced back to 17C.

20 Nov, 2013


Not bad then , Eh?

21 Nov, 2013

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