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Dandy (the face is blurred for safety reasons).

Dandy (the face is blurred for safety reasons).


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One of favorite birds~

7 Jan, 2014


Hahaha. Mine too. Especially with blurred mask.

7 Jan, 2014


Reminds me of the old American show "Dragnet". The introduction always stated "The names have been changed to protect the innocent" !

8 Jan, 2014


Do not know the point of that show, Melchi, so I canĀ“t react properly. However, there was also very strong French drama with title "The innocent with dirty hands".
By the way, was it peacock or swan, which was a symbol of hypocricy? I am not sure now...

8 Jan, 2014


"Dragnet" was one of the first American police dramas shown on British television in the 1950s. Each episode was 30 minutes long, and apparently based on a real case - hence the disclaimer at the beginning of the show. I read that the swan is the symbol of hypocrisy in some countries because under its white feathers it has black flesh. Poor swan! Not its fault!

9 Jan, 2014


Hi, Melchi, thanks.

10 Jan, 2014

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