The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Billbergia nutans


By Hywel

Billbergia nutans

Comments on this photo


striking bloom.

24 Jan, 2014


I think so too, although they are small :o) Thanks ...

24 Jan, 2014


I have this plant too Hywel...any tips please how to get it looking as good as yours?...:>)

24 Jan, 2014



24 Jan, 2014


Thank you all for your comments :o)

Motinot, I don't give it much attention really. I keep it in a light place, but out of direct sun ... and don't water it too often. Some years it has lots of flowering shoots and other years just a few.
Does yours flower ?

25 Jan, 2014


Still waiting for mine to open. :))))

25 Jan, 2014


So unusual.

25 Jan, 2014


Thank you both.

I hope they open soon Holly :o)

25 Jan, 2014


Thanks will put pic on when they do.. :))

26 Jan, 2014


This is a terrific piccie Hywel - so sharp and clear :o) I first saw this plant on Meanies recent photo's. (I think he mentioned that he had had grown it from a cutting you'd sent him!)
It looks such an attactive shape and colours :o) How long have you been growing this plant?

30 Jan, 2014


Thank you. Yes I did send Meanie a cutting.
I've had this plant about 30 years. Someone gave it to my mother as a gift ... but she didn't know anything about plants, so she gave it to me :o)

30 Jan, 2014


You've done extremely well with it then! ;o)

30 Jan, 2014


Thank you :o)

30 Jan, 2014


Just such a great colour combination!
I'm smitten by mine - thanks!

28 Apr, 2014


Just such a great colour combination!
I'm smitten by mine - thanks!

(not sure why, but some of my comments are being cedited to Iciar again).

28 Apr, 2014


Others are having the same problem. Maybe you should contact the admin people about it.

28 Apr, 2014

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Pictures by hywel
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This photo is of "x Billbergia nutans" in Hywel's garden

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