Garden pics 2011 Yellow Loosestrife

26 Jan, 2014
Comments on this photo
Do you have it MB? ....would be glad to send you some shoots :)
it seems to like it in dampish conditions with its flowers in sun or semi shade..... it flowers for such a long time to and has reflowered when ive cut it down- slight downfall is it can be a little invasive so best for wild areas not herbaceous borders ive found..... Hey hark at me sounding as if im a gardener here blooming heck....pardon the pun ha ha!!
26 Jan, 2014
no i do not have any but i can get some ;-) thank you for offer of shoots tho....most kind.... you sound like you have learnt through experience....we all grow together :-)
no weeds in this plot ;-)
26 Jan, 2014
Yes definately "Weeds Welcome" signs thru out my garden MB :)
26 Jan, 2014
26 Jan, 2014
Pictures by beehappyflutterby
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This photo is of "Yellow Loosestrife" in Beehappyflutterby's garden
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very striking...must have at far end of my would be the right soil type for it to :-)
26 Jan, 2014