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A garden flower photo

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These plants always add some color to a garden when other things have finished blooming. I love the spiked gayfeather next to black eyed susans or yellow cone flowers as the complementary colors pop out.

13 Jul, 2008


Not familiar with this plant, love the color! Do you happen to know the zone rating for it?

14 Aug, 2008


I love liatris too, unfortuneately mine usually get toppled over :( I have white ones too, but the purple are definately nicer...

4 Oct, 2008


why do they get toppled over?

5 Oct, 2008



5 Oct, 2008


Lovely thing, this. I'm afraid think I'd have the wind toppling too.

6 Oct, 2008


I have this and mine looks nowhere near as spectacular as this.. I always stake mine to stop it falling over!

30 Nov, 2008

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