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Listening to the "apostle of gardening"....:-)

Listening to the "apostle of gardening"....:-)

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Hi Katarina, he/she, must be very popular, to have so many people listening intently like that, Derek.

9 Mar, 2014


Hi Derek,
yes, he had been professor of agriculture for 50 years and in his high age he is still very active. He has big practical experience and moreover, ability to speak in a way, which is clear to common people - with a bit of a good humour. But I caught him with my question :-)

9 Mar, 2014


What was your question Kat ? my nephew has been with me this weekend his wife is from Slovakia she has lived here for 8 years they have a baby girl 1 year old :o)

10 Mar, 2014


Hi, Amy, I know, you told me that some time ago.
Amy, I noticed, that the seeds from Meconopsis are growing, wow, already a small lawn. What shal I do now? Do I have to replant it now to the garden? Please, let me know. Thanks.

11 Mar, 2014


Hi Kat I'm amazed you have had so much success with the Meconopsis blue poppy they are difficult to germinate ,the Erigeron Karvinskianus I sent you in October are much easier to grow I have a pot full of those seedlings ...
You mustn't put any of these outside if there's still a risk of frost , it will help if you prick the tiny seedlings out separating them into either small individual pots or a large tray until they have two true leaves once they are established you will be able to plant them outside .. Good luck :o))

11 Mar, 2014


Well, I seeded those seeds which looked like poppy´s seeds. I wonder now, what is growing.

11 Mar, 2014


Can you remember what the seeds looked like Kat ? the Poppy seeds are tiny black seeds .the Erigeron Karvinskianus are white fluffy seed heads .. if they looked like poppy seeds then they probably were, well done ! My blue poppy plants haven't shown any sign of emerging yet I think I should sow seed now just in case they have died off over winter ...

12 Mar, 2014


They were small poppy´s black seeds. But I do not rememeber that I have got fluffy seed heads from you, Amy. Probably you have sent me just Meconopsis. Oh, my memory.....bad. But I am happy now, if these are Meconopsis. So I will replant it later in March into the garden. I just wonder, if they need shade or a full sun.

12 Mar, 2014


The Poppies need well-drained ,lime free soil in light shade Kat , I did send you Erigeron K. as well in October I have it written in my book, maybe you have put them somewhere safe with other seeds they are easily misplaced when they are so small if you can't find them I will send you some more ...

12 Mar, 2014


Amy, you have better memory then me :-/
I am still thinking, if they really can stand normal garden soil, if they do not need acidic with some water permanently present, as these are mountain flowers, you know. When I was looking recently on your mossy garden, you probably have wet soil and that is why Meconopsis grows there well.

13 Mar, 2014


Our soil is acid Kat some parts of our garden are in hot sunshine & dry other parts in the shade under trees which is where I have the poppies .. it's odd even when it's hot and dry the moss still comes each year ... perhaps you could try some in pots and some in the garden to find out which is the best method ..

13 Mar, 2014


Yes, that would be the best solution.
Coming soon.....................

13 Mar, 2014

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