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Unknown Spring bulb.

Unknown Spring bulb.

Does anyone know what this is ? I thought it was a Hyacinth , but the petals are separating and facing downwards . I bought a large mixed pack through my Garden News magazine and they were supposed to be Tulips !

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I should have said it was a hyacinth, as well, Rose. The ones I planted out after they had finished flowering indoors last year look just like that (except they're pink!)

18 Mar, 2014


Thanks Mel. I've just been online for pictures of a white Hyacinth and it seems that is a Hyacinth after all ! I should have done this first ! Hahaa!

18 Mar, 2014


I'm glad thats sorted Rose it puts you off when you buy one thing and it turns out to be something else ,it deff. looks like a Hyacinth to me :o)

18 Mar, 2014


If it has a strong, sweet smell, it's a hyacinth!

18 Mar, 2014


Do you know Andrew, I have never thought of smelling it ! Off I go then ! lol
Thanks Amy , I'm now wondering what else will come up !

19 Mar, 2014

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