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Daylily cross - Golden Tentacles X Free Wheelin

Daylily cross - Golden Tentacles X Free Wheelin

6.5", TET, evergreen
Unless it reblooms looking a lot better, this is the second reject of the season.

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I would never expected that colouring from those crosses interesting, aaaah but you've had that happen before haven't you? a much better flower second time round ;-)

8 Apr, 2014


Yes - the most spectacular was Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy. I had another seedling from this cross open today, and you couldn't tell the two are related. The second one promises to be something worth keeping, but I'm waiting for warmer weather to see if it reblooms and opens better. Golden Tentacles is a better rebloomer than Free Wheelin'.

8 Apr, 2014


I remember that one it was stunning :-)

11 Apr, 2014

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