Amaryllis on livingroom table as seen from computer 21-04-2014 009
By Balcony

22 Apr, 2014
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Amaryllis on living room table as I see them from my computer!
Comments on this photo
Thank you, Marybells! :-))
That's how I see the Amaryllis from where I'm sitting at my computer. Only in the photo they look to be further away than they really are.
23 Apr, 2014
thats a good amount of sunlight for them to...
24 Apr, 2014
Yes, the little window faces more or less East & gets the sun from shortly after it rises till around 1pm. It's very bad light to photograph in as it "bleaches" out the colours. Sometimes I close the blinds but it doesn't always help enough & I have close the curtains.
26 Apr, 2014
all looks good even so Balcony :-)
27 Apr, 2014
Thanks, Marybells! :-)) They have almost finished now :-(( I will only have two pots with 3 flowers tomorrow! There is one more with a closed bud in the kitchen but it will need several more days yet before it opens & then that will be the lot - for the time being at least!
I don't know if there are more bulbs with buds too low to see at present but I'll find out in the next week or so as I start on my annual "pilgrimage" of taking them back down to the allotment till October.
30 Apr, 2014
1 May, 2014
On Wednesday 7th May my wife helped me to start the Annual Hippeastrum Pilgrimage, number 5! Then on Friday evening I took a few more pots of bulbs down to the Gh on the allotment. They will spend the rest of the month there before going outside till October. About the middle of October the Annual Hippeastrum Pilgrimage will start again - in reverse, i.e. from the allotment back home!
Already the difference in the house is quite noticeable! More light in the 3 windows! Yet there are loads more outside on the balcony to take down yet! When I found I couldn't fit any more pots in the window sills of the 2 bedrooms & kitchen I was forced to put them outside. I don't think I've uploaded a photo of the Amaryllis on the balcony yet - an oversight I shall remedy right away!
10 May, 2014
i was watching christine walkden she fills her dinning room table with plants in the winter time and they stay there until its time for them to go out side again the next year (i think may time) she also was using her kitchen work top to pot up seedlings etc!!! and she had a few neighbours that helped her with big jobs and Vice versa...
iam thinking it was probably very helpful having those etc pair of hands...:-)
i like the way gardening brings people together!!
light is always a nice shinning through the windows and the summer sun is a source of nice warmth to :-)
Annual Hippeastrum Pilgrimage sounds quite a advent ;-)
5 times up and down??
will look out for the upload!
10 May, 2014
By 5 I meant Annul Pilgrimage number 5! That is the fifth year, but twice a year I make the Pilgrimage to & from the allotment with my plants. The actual number of journeys I have to make varies but I know that this year I will have to make more journeys as I have more plants than ever!
I've already made two & this evening I'll be making another!
12 May, 2014
Phew! :-) you are (both) busy bees :-) dedications!!
12 May, 2014
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nice plants and budgies...
23 Apr, 2014