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Tiarella, think Symphony but not sure with bluebells

Tiarella, think Symphony but not sure with bluebells

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That's so beautiful, it does look like Spring Symphony.

2 May, 2014


I've just been deadheading all my bluebell/Spanish bluebell hybrids to stop them spreading any further :-(

2 May, 2014


I transplanted some more bluebells today, in to my corner under my new plum tree....and sowed three packs of alpine strawberries.

2 May, 2014


Karen, that corner will look lovely, so exciting waiting for things to grow, the greenhouse will be the next exciting thing and then you will be a happy bunny growing in that. I bought a new plastic cover for my little greenhouse stand thingy, it nearly fits but not quite it will do until I find a small greenhouse that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Hope the greenhouse arrives soon. :O) As for the bluebells well I keep taking them out every year and still more and more appear. I gave up on the side border with them the mole moves them about and they have just about taken over under the Magnolia tree and Rhoddie in there, still they are welcome as this border is very sparse in there. I just leave them to do their own thing now. Lovely weather down here hope you are getting some Karen. :O)

Andrew these are supposedly English bluebells, well think originally they came from the wood which is an amazing site just now. The previous tennant put a few in and around the grass that was here (before I started on it) and I have just let them get on and do what they do best. SPREAD that is. :O) I am trying to control them though in the little border with the Tiarella as they flop over and keep other things from developing properly. Think though that I am losing the battle. lol :O(

3 May, 2014


Yes, thanks Mum, it is going to be nice. There are now bluebells in both of my corners, so I have lots to look forward to. yours certainly look like English bluebells to me. I have a small clump of something near my front door which looks like it's going to be a pink bell! They will be Spanish I suppose, so I might do away with them to avoid any hybrids popping up at the other end of the garden, but we'll see what they look like in a week or so.its mild here this morning, but cloudy. yesterday was sunnier but not warm. Not bad at all for the time of year. oh, I just love May! Finishing off the hedge pruning at the drive today. We've gained two feet of turning space! That will be useful soon when all four cars are parked in there! Callum has finished his exams, and is working for his catering firm now (mostly baking tray bakes he tells me). He will be moving in here until he is earning enough to pay rent and keep himself. Isn't it just just get used to being on your own most of the time and then find yourself with a full house again! Let's hope he can find an interesting job. :))

3 May, 2014

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