Thalictrum aquilegifolium 'Thundercloud' - 2014
By Andrewr

3 May, 2014
For moist, humus-rich soil in shade. About four feet tall, so quite tall for an early flowering herbaceous plant. I find it needs staking to prevent the stems leaning (rather than flopping).
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This photo is of "Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 'Thundercloud'" in Andrewr's garden
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27 May, 2012 -
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Gardening with friends since
27 Sep, 2008
Thalictrum Aquilegiifolium 'Thundercloud' (Meadow Rue)
£7.99 at Crocus -
Thalictrum Aquilegiifolium (Meadow Rue)
£7.99 at Crocus
Ours are not flowering here, another week at least!!
12 May, 2014