IMG 1249 redbud tree in flower
By Odaatpat

7 May, 2014
Patrick and i went shopping, and i got this lovely weeping redbud standard...have to get a guard for it before i dare put it in the ground...rabbits, you know.....
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me too! fingers crossed....hope the rabbits don't like it...i have the guard for the trunk, don't know how the branches will fare.....
7 May, 2014
Good Luck ith it Pat;0)
8 May, 2014
been trying to figure out the wildlife problem...other than giving them all the evil eye ..i think that rabbits will eat anything in the spring, especially after a hard winter, but then [hopefully] there are some plants they don't come back to that i need to find those plants that are tough enough to survive the initial munching, and that are not the rabbits favourites...i had a daylily that went through this, survived and bloomed ok...maybe looked a bit ragged, but then, so do i, so what the heck!...squirrels are another thing entirely.........
8 May, 2014
Oh dear you do have a problem, I love wildlife but wouldnt be happy with them eating my plants!!
9 May, 2014
well, i discovered today why the newer part of this community has beautiful daffys and even tulips, while i never know if any of my daffs will still be there...they have no mature trees [for squirrel nests] and my neighbour feeds the squirrels very just attracts them like crazy....they are much more destructive than the rabbits, surprisingly....still don't know how to deal with the
billions of ants, and the mushrooms that were imported in the top soil from the nursery...all these challenges sure give me something to think about..i was going to have a couple of raised [wooden] beds built in the back garden, to deter the rabbits, but that won't stop the squirrels..not sure what to do,except persevere........ants really like raised beds, too...........the higher the better for them..
10 May, 2014
Pat how wonderful for you to have Redbud tree.
We bought a redbud for our garden when came home from the Carolinas USA.
1 Jun, 2014
Pictures by odaatpat
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That looks a lovely specimen, like to see it as it grows;0)
7 May, 2014