The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Daylily cross - Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy [BSA#11]

Daylily cross - Angel Fairy Tern x Judge Nancy [BSA#11]

This is sibling to [NT#1]. It was the one that rebloomed last year. I moved everything, and it has recovered and is going crazy. Both are absolute keepers.

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WOW this one is special

12 May, 2014


There are several seedlings growing for next year with this as a parent. It was nothing special with its initial bloom, but when it rebloomed, it was like this.

13 May, 2014


Oh my goodness that's really special, heck must go fetch washing in, I got looking at your pictures and half an hours gone by lol.

14 May, 2014


You can see that the scape is decorated with "cross tags". One is for Dragonfly Tattoo.

14 May, 2014


I really fancy this one...!

22 May, 2014


I have 6 different cross groups for next year using this.

22 May, 2014

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