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Daylily - 'Core Values'

Daylily - 'Core Values'

Love the pattern in the eye.

Comments on this photo


Definitely a favourite of mine, I could look at your pictures of this all day :-)

18 May, 2014


Does this mean I need to start a list for possible divisions in the fall?

18 May, 2014


Lol you're to kind Wylie!! I'll have to see what I have to swap, none of mine compare with your beauties though :-)

19 May, 2014


I got my latest bunch today. It is taking about 2 weeks in the mail to get here. It was Ladybug Lancelot, Cindy's Compulsion, Twisted Mint Julep, and the bonus was his (2013) Emozione.

19 May, 2014


Wow! The pattern! And that green throat!

22 May, 2014


The great thing about the patterns is that there are small changes on each flower, so you never know what the next one will look like.

22 May, 2014

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