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Geranium purpureum & hoverfly

Geranium purpureum & hoverfly

I got this, but wasn't able to get the bumblebee that was there just before. It was so heavy that it dragged the flower down.

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Great picture

21 May, 2014


Thanks. I got a new camera this year with a macro function, so I am enjoying seeing what I can do.

22 May, 2014


Wow !!! you're getting some great shots Wylie, I'm just wondering how you're getting these insects to keep so still ;-)

22 May, 2014


All the lazy bugs come to my place because they know they won't have to work very hard to get a meal.

22 May, 2014


Lol :-))

22 May, 2014


Wow! Congratulatioon to that fantastic snap. Nominated to GoYpedia.

24 May, 2014


Thank you - I'm glad you liked it.

24 May, 2014

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