Blue Ballerina
By Oliveoil

21 May, 2014
I sent Karen some seeds last year but do not know if she has planted them up, she has been that busy moving and gardening and I think maybe they are waiting for her greenhouse to be erected before she plants them.
Comments on this photo
It will be lovely in that wild flower bed, hope it comes for you. I can always send you some more seed if it doesn't. :O)
21 May, 2014
Thanks! Time will tell....the wild flower patch is growing fast, and I haven't looked at it up close lately because I over-sowed it, and every time I look at it I cringe because the poor plants are so overcrowded, but it would be a nightmare to thin out, so I'm leaving it to it's own devices!
21 May, 2014
Sounds like my Plum tree border, the poppies are so thick in that area that I cannot get in to weed it. But they are growing fast and the colours will be absolutely amazing, will post pictures and bore the socks of everyone when they are in flower, it does look special when they are all out together. :O) I do so love poppies. Think next year I might try some of those blue Meconopsis I keep forgetting to get seeds, but must remember because I do like them. Might try them in a tub and see if I have success that way. Been at Sarah's and dug out her border in the front today, weeded and ready for planting up. Next week is half term so we are off to buy material for bunting and plants plants plants lol. got some material with Winnie the Pooh characters, which she absolutely loves so just need some for in between the characters now, spotty we are thinking. Neutral colours lemons and greens don't want to do whites too stark. I shall have fun making that. lol.
21 May, 2014
That sounds lovely! I have noted the info. Re. Winnie the Pooh! ;)
21 May, 2014
lol :O) we used to read the stories at bedtime and she loved the books :O) lovely how things stay with you for all your life, she absolutely loves all the characters, even has some beanie toy ones on her car dashboard lol :O)
21 May, 2014
Wow ! I haven't seen this coloured one before !
25 May, 2014
I was hoping to have some more seed off this one Rose if I get some I will let you know you can have some then. The rain is spoiling the aqualegia just now, they are all falling over even after I have put canes around them. Ah well fingers crossed I shall get some.
25 May, 2014
Thanks Barbara . I have to stake my big one and even then it kept flopping over !
28 May, 2014
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Mum, I found an envelope after I moved, that said 'Aquilegia' on it, and I had no idea what was in it, so I added it to my wildflower seeds and sowed the lot all in the wildflower bed! I hope I get at least one! :))
21 May, 2014