Red Admiral Butterfly - First one this season hopefully lots more to come
By Oliveoil

23 May, 2014
Sorry it is a bit blurred had to take it quickly, before it flew away, on my mobile phone.
Comments on this photo
How interesting. I love bees, there are lots of them in the garden this year, not many hover flies though. Last year it was hover flies by the hundreds this year bees, really strange how it goes in circles. I do not like wasps would never leave them be, now bees they are something else. I do not mind the hornets either unless they get inside the house, then they do scare me a little. A couple of evenings ago I saw one of those humming bird moths, but I didn't have my camera, I nearly choked on my pudding, Paul wondered what I was trying to say. lol. I did get it out eventually, but by that time it had flown off and he didn't see it. lol. :O)
23 May, 2014
I respect moths, but I'm not very keen on them. When I was young, a small one flew up my skirt - my mum and aunt, who was staying with us at the time, were helpless with laughter, but I was not so amused! Needless to say, it reappeared almost immediately! That's the reason I almost always wear trousers now. (Not really...)
24 May, 2014
I am never out of trousers Melchi I cannot garden in skirts and my figure is for hiding not showing off any more so no shorts either. lol. not a pretty sight any more sadly. :O)
24 May, 2014
The only time I wear skirts or dresses is on holiday ! I love my trousers ! I can remember when I was very young , my mum's sister shocked all the family by wearing trousers ! Apparently it was not the done thing in those days !
We are seeing quite a few different butterflies this year and haven't a clue what they are ! They don't stay around long enough for a photo !
25 May, 2014
Never out of trousers, it would scare the butterflies away if I wore skirts Rose lol :O) not a pretty sight. lol :O)
25 May, 2014
When my Mum was about 30, we moved to a small village in Surrey. The old(er) lady who ran the village shop welcomed her to the village, adding "but I do wish you wouldn't wear those trousers" (!) Times have changed indeed - and I obviously paid attention to my role model!
26 May, 2014
Oh...I'm sure thats not true Barbara !
Isn't it funny how things have changed Mel. The only time I wear skirts or dresses is on holiday abroad !
27 May, 2014
I think the only time I've worn dresses for a VERY long time has been at weddings!
27 May, 2014
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Such a treat to see!
We have a bees' nest in the roof space. We're not especially bothered about that, but our (newish) neighbours seemed a bit concerned, so we called a bee man to come and advise. It appears they're not honeybees but bumblebees, so it won't be a huge concern apparently, and should diminish in a few weeks. The only slight nuisance is the noise in one of the bedrooms - a bit alarming at times, but we can live with that. One interesting thing he told us - wasps will often return to a "false nest" if there are identical houses in a row, because they are - as he put it - "Brahms and Liszt". That's when they fly in all directions and get inside. If there's a genuine nest they don't stray. Then they are far more difficult to deal with than a nest. So he said wasps' nests should always be dealt with because they are a bigger nuisance to neighbours than to the "host" household. Fascinating, eh? (He was very pleased that we are quite happy to leave the bees alone "That's three saved today" he said)
23 May, 2014