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Iris sibirica (blue)

Iris sibirica (blue)

in my garden. I also have white in another location which do not bloom so well.

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This is so beautiful, Klahanie. What is the flower bed border made from, please?

26 May, 2014


Thank you Katarina, I call it iris border... there are many sorts of irises but I have there also Shasta daisies and pink filipendulas ( Filipendula rubra ) Deer ignores iris and daisy (both are loved by slugs though) but will nibble on filipendula.There is also a little bit of comfrey (for bees) and some weeds :-)

26 May, 2014


Thank you very much. Irises never dissappoint. I do not know filipendulas, so I am looking forward to some updated of this bed. I made flower border in the spring, too, I am really curious, what will grow there, as it is under large tree.

29 May, 2014


How large is your new bed Katarina? There are plenty of lovely plants you can grow in shade.
Filipendula looks little bit as very tall astilbe

29 May, 2014


My new flower bed is 3 metres long and 1 meter wide.
Actually my irises started to bloom, they look great, but they are bended due to winds and rains, I wonder if there is something, what will keep them straight as those on your pic.
Do you have any good suggestion for flowers in the shade?

1 Jun, 2014


Katarina, my favotite plant for shade here is astilbe and little konvalinky. You have to plant there some konvalinky (lily of the valley/Convallaria majalis ) . Pieris is a shrub I like and does well in the shade. It calls here "lily of the valley" shrub. It is evergreen and looks attractive year round.
And of course hostas and ferns. I cannot grow hostas because of the deer and quite frankly ferns are just so invasive here. I fight them all the time. They are so huge and overpowering. I am digging out little seedlings on daily bases. They are very hard to dig out when established.
A" Bleeding heart" is another favorite among the gardeners here (but not mine) Hellebores and heucheras are very popular with the UK Goy members. I like Tiarella and primulas.
There are so many lovely plants which tolerates shade.
Good luck with choosing.
And bearded irises tend to fall over as their huge many flowers on one stem are heavy and they do not want to be planted deep. Some people stake them. The Siberian irises (in my picture) do not have that problem.

2 Jun, 2014


Thank you very much, Klahanie. I will think about some of them. I know them almost all, however, these plants love shade and at least slightly wet soil. Problem is, that this shade is dry. It is under walnut tree, which si known, that nothing grows well under its crown (shrubs do not), so I experimented this year with flowers. Irises seems as the best survivors. But definitely this flower bed will be updated. :-)

5 Jun, 2014


Is it a black walnut Katarina? I have one also. I do not think that Irises will tolerate juglone (toxins from this tree) but I have not tried and I am not expert but I know that many ornamentals such as lilac, peony, rhododendron and azalea are particularly sensitive to juglone.

There are few plants that will tolerate juglone such as
Euonymus alatus,( burning bush), asters, Phloxes and Coneflowers....these all can also tolerate dry conditions.
If it is not a black walnut then you may have much more choices, but as you say it will need some trial and "updates"

5 Jun, 2014

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