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Vinca difformis 'Jenny Pym'

Vinca difformis 'Jenny Pym' (Vinca difformis 'Jenny Pym')

Still got an area to clear and then Jenny Pym can go to bed!

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Thats an interesting (nice) colour

28 May, 2014


on my computer it is about right too.

29 May, 2014


I hope it is not as much of a thug as the blue ones. I have both V. minor and V. major in blue They spread like billy oh but a V. minor in a deep mauve shade is not.

30 May, 2014


apparently she is a thug. ah well, I'll just be brutal when I cut her back. :o)

30 May, 2014


I'd plant her in a big pot in the ground to prevent her tangling her roots through neighbouring plant roots in that case.

30 May, 2014

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