Daylily cross - Lighter Than Air x Catcher In the Eye

2 Jun, 2014
Not only does this have an applique throat, but if you look carefully, just beyond the ruffling, there are tiny little piranha teeth making this one for its neighbours to watch out for.
Comments on this photo
Thanks. It is going to be moved in the fall to a better location.
2 Jun, 2014
i need to move nearly all mine i would like to make a more elaborate planting arrangement of them together!
my gardens colour scheme is hopeless!
2 Jun, 2014
I love everything about this one, its colour its shape and its ruffles. :O) brilliant flower :O)
3 Jun, 2014
Thanks -this has become one of my favourites.
3 Jun, 2014
Then you will register it? It is something else!
7 Jun, 2014
Even if it doesn't get registered, it is being used for a lot of crosses.
7 Jun, 2014
very beautiful shape and a great colour!
2 Jun, 2014