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Daylily....... (Hemerocallis.)

Several of my lilies have gall midge, apparently it happens to the early flowering varieties, might have to change all my plants to mid and late flowering Hemerocallis...

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Thanks HB it is a lovely one to photograph...

13 Jun, 2014


I have this one but it's a little early for it yet. What is "gall midge"? I haven't had a problem with it yet going on 3 years.

13 Jun, 2014


Bathgate the buds fail to open and become distorted and ugly, getting to be quite a problem over here, only noticed it the last two years.... The RHS have listed suitable varieties to buy that should be OK....

14 Jun, 2014


OK thanks for the explanation. I'll keep a look out for it. I really love the deep brick-red color.

15 Jun, 2014


So do I, at the moment all the rest are all coming up orange!! is it possible for daylilies to revert?

16 Jun, 2014


I don't know enough about them on that level to give you an answer. However, two people on here who may help you are Wylieintheazores & Simbad. They really get into the scientific aspect of daylilies; pollentation, cross breeding and all of that. I would head in that direction.

16 Jun, 2014


Thanks will do...

16 Jun, 2014


Thanks for the heads up DD - I have gall midge too it would seem.

If this is going in the bin though...............

17 Jun, 2014


What a stunner! This one looks healthy enough.....what a pity about the midges. Neither of mine are flowering yet. I have Kwanso, which seems to come later, and a new yellow one that is just about to flower.

22 Jun, 2014


Sorry Meanie this one seems to be OK...K have several flowering now, all very early.

26 Jun, 2014

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