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Tropaeolum speciosum

Tropaeolum speciosum (Tropaeolum speciosum (Flame flower))

This grows happily through the front hedge. I am attempting to get some height in the hedge so I can appreciate it more. When I first moved here - I used to think this was a weed and tear as much as I could out.

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A weed...? I've coveted this for years and eventually managed to track it down, only to discover, when it eventually deigned to flower, that it was the Ken Aslett one and quite different. It tends only to begin to flower just before the first frosts, so it's not really earning its place. Yours, on the other hand, is wonderful - really eye-catching.

13 Jun, 2014


Yes, I know....silly me! Do you want some tubers in the autumn? I sent Bjs some (along with seed) last year. I'm not sure how he got on, last I heard, I think the tubers were doing ok.

13 Jun, 2014


I've got leaves from this one ....

13 Jun, 2014


Angie, that would be amazing. Thank you.

13 Jun, 2014


This didn't even die back this winter Andrew- I'm sure it doesn't usually flower quite so early as this. Time for yours yet.

13 Jun, 2014


PM me your details TB and I'll keep note.

14 Jun, 2014


Tried this plant too. Maybe be if carried too far south it sulks and wants to go back home.

18 Jun, 2014

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This photo is of "Tropaeolum speciosum" in Scottish's garden

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