White Delphiniums
By Oliveoil

19 Jun, 2014
Comments on this photo
I set pink delphinium seeds this spring I would really like a few pink ones but none of the seed came up. Oh well make do with the white for now. :O) they are lovely though Bloomer, just not a fan of white in the garden.
19 Jun, 2014
I love white in the garden,especially in the evening..good job we all have different tastes though,or we would all have cloned gardens..:o) A shame your pink ones didn't germinate..next time,maybe:o)
19 Jun, 2014
Hopefully, I would prefer to buy plants but somehow they never have the right labels in them. These were supposed to be pink ones lol :O) its so disappointing isn't it when they label them incorrectly. Although I suppose if the g.c. set the seeds they will not have flowered before so they also have to go with the seed packet labels too. Always a bit hit and miss I suppose when packaging up seeds. I shall try again next year with seeds and keep my fingers crossed for a better outcome.
19 Jun, 2014
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Look at that perfect foliage? no visible signs of damage at all,Oliveoil..only two short stems left on two of mine ! :o( Glad you have white ones too,as many have said they hadn't seen a white one before,in comments on my one and only ! Lovely,aren't they? :o)
19 Jun, 2014