Resi's Profile

About me
I garden on the top of a hill in the south of France, one and a quarter acre, mostly heavy clay which sets like cement in summer and sucks in your boots in the winter.
I do not use any chemicals as i would like the native flora to dare rear its head again, in particular the many orchids which florish here.
I started the garden in 2006 when it was a churned up field with precious little topsoil as most of it had slid down years ago during the violent storms we are prone to here.
I am pleased now i had no idea what i was letting myself in for, otherwise i might never have started as i had to throw all my gardenknowledge out of the window and start learning to garden all over again.
I have become very keen on roses as they do well here and anything else has to be tough as old boots to survive as they only get one chance.
I had no shade at all but in the last 2 year my trees and bushes are growing and different habitats are beginning to emerge.
I am getting there, a garden is taking shape...
January 2013
my garden took shape but life seems to want to intervene here, we have just sold our garden and house and will be moving to yorkshire in the near future.
June 2013
We have moved and are living in N.Yorks. My garden now is much smaller, as it was a much loved garden I can afford to just maintain it while we work on the house, and still get pleasure from it. Come spring project garden will start, meanwhile I plan.
May 2014
Spring 2013 came and went..
The house renovation is still a major occupation, but hoping to finish this autumn. Then it will be gardening time, cannt wait.
Nov 2014
Project house is finished, scaffolding came down this week, interior finished, or as gd as..
Busy emptying the garden now, loads of bushes have already come out, several small trees and made 3 raised veg beds. Will start blogs again soon now..
June 2016
I have now started under a new name as I couldn't fit the 2 gardens in one account, it's just not workable.
My new account is in the name of: resinone
I'm looking forward to seeing you there.
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Joined in Feb 2011
Country: France