By Kpf

22 Jun, 2014
My pride and joy is my Gunnera by the lake I have three now and this is the best they've been.
Comments on this photo
hi there kfp, ive recently brought myself a 'Gunnera Manicata' however i do not have a boggy spot in my garden, so iam making sure the soil dose not dry out around the plant and that i keep it well watered.
i read that it thrives in the humid conditions of Heligan
(cornwall) and iam guessing because they are native to the Serra do Mar mountains of southeastern Brazil, thats why, i really must pay the lost gardens a visit some day
:-) so i can see the Gunnera Manicatas plants that grow there!
your Gunnera in your photo does look magnificence
:-) i have my heart set on lots more of them growing at the bottom of my garden, depending how the one one i have grows!
23 Jun, 2014
These look enormous. How big does it get? Is it related to the Elephant Ear plant? Does it flower? Thanks.
24 Jun, 2014
Thank you Klahanie, Marybells and Bathgate:
The Gunnera can grow to over 8ft -mine are over 4ft this year partly due to a mild winter. Last year being very wet they hardly grew at all. They don't flower, as such, but produce large orange/brown seed pods which are stunning in themselves. They are part of the Gunneraceae family which I believe include the giant Rhubarb, Chilean Parasol and the Elephant Ears so I think they are related but not sure. My new friends, above, may know better.
24 Jun, 2014
I lost all my Gunneras a couple of winters ago, I am so jealous of yours.
24 Jun, 2014
Gti - I am so sorry
24 Jun, 2014
Thank you for your very interesting and lucid response.
24 Jun, 2014
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I lost one last winter and planted a new one (Brazilian) about month ago. It has grown very well for me as well.
Just yesterday I bought a small Chilean . We have a boggy spot on the property where they live. Just posted a picture of it.
Love yours.
22 Jun, 2014