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Bauhinia species unknown

Bauhinia species unknown (Bauhinia)

This was a beautiful species of Bauhinia which I've never seen before. There's so many species of Bauhinia which grow here in Southern California. Photo taken June 28, 2014.

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I'd never heard of Bauhinia, lovely flowers. Nice quality pic.

29 Jun, 2014



All Bauhinia species are native to the tropics. They are widely grown here especially Bauhinia variegata, blakeana (Hong Kong Orchid tree), variegata 'Alba', galpinii, and forficata as street trees here in San Diego, CA. They are all commonly referred to as orchid trees.

29 Jun, 2014


I do not think I have seen this one. Interesting and very pretty flower.
Where we go to Mexico, there are lots of those pink Bauhinia blakeanas.

30 Jun, 2014



Bauhinia x blakeana has purple flowers (which have the largest flowers of any Bauhinia) that are very fragrant. They can only be propagated vegatatively because they all came from one tree (thought to be a hybrid) discovered in Canton, China. B. x blakeana does not produce any seed pods.

30 Jun, 2014

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