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going nuts

going nuts

i'd not noticed any activity or sign of activity around the "squrrel-proof" nut feeder, but noticed that something's been visiting, which is enoucraging

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Wonder who that is doing the nibbling of the nuts?

10 Jul, 2014


squirrels can get in - I took pics of one at the old place, doing gymnastics inside the "squirrel-proof" cage. I don't mind squirrels, so long as they don't mess everything up for others

10 Jul, 2014


I noticed the birds stayed away in the heat but now its turned wet and cold they have returned.

11 Jul, 2014


ah, that might have something to do with the lack of them lately, at least mostly - there are a couple of birds here and there, and a couple of times (same time each day, i must set my clock for the next one!) a swarm of small birds that constantly argue and squawk at each other

12 Jul, 2014

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