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Echinops ritro - 2014


By Andrewr

Echinops ritro - 2014 (Echinops ritro)

Grows best in poor, well-drained soil in full sun, reaching two feet or more.

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Love these,Andrew..mine are still not 'proper' blue yet,despite all the sun..but they are huge plants this year..

13 Jul, 2014


Bloomer - mine are only just starting to turn blue. You can see the state of most of the flowers from the small one on the right of the photo, but the main one is above the level of the wall, and gets more sun.

13 Jul, 2014


I hadn't noticed that one Andrew..mine are more like that .
I have been pulling all that dead foliage from the bottom,this afternoon,among other jobs you get sidetracked into doing :o)

13 Jul, 2014


Suddenly disappeared after having grown in the same place for years, shame because I liked it.

13 Jul, 2014


Drowned after last winter maybe?

14 Jul, 2014

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