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in with pampas

in with pampas

I was given some roots of Pampas Grass via Freecycle. These plants were in with it, no idea what they are

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They are called Crocosmia,Fran..and the one you have,is an old variety,which used to be called Montbretia,,Why they keep mucking about with names ,I don't know..It is fully hardy,and will spread a lot..just cut the dead flowers off and let it die down,to reappear next spring..if it looks too big,you can split it,or get rid of what you don't want...It's a good gap filler if you have the space,and takes no looking after really,except pulling the dead leaves off when you see new ones appearing..or sometimes I cut them off,if I'm fed up of looking at a lot of brown :o) Hope this helps..

17 Jul, 2014


oh, thanks, Bloomer!

I planned to try to separate it from the Pampas, give it its own space - no special care, lol, sounds like my type of plant!

17 Jul, 2014


They are a nice splash of colour at this time of year,Fran..hope you are successful in the separation..:o)

18 Jul, 2014


I'll leave any moving until they stop flowering - it's not just "unplant and replant", I'll have to sort them out from the Pamaps roots, which will probably take a bit of time so I do least damage

18 Jul, 2014


Good idea,Fran..might as well make the most of the colour..later on would probably be better..

18 Jul, 2014


the HA put a new fence in between me and next door,w hich meant clearing the bed on my side, so there's now plenty of space to put them.

18 Jul, 2014


That's great Fran,they must have known :o)

18 Jul, 2014


lol indeed - but in the pricess they rubbished my back gate -it's still attached to the chicken wire fence that used to be next door, and still is, cos they just dumped it and put the new back fence up in its place, so i can't close the gate now!

18 Jul, 2014


Sounds about right with some workmen these days Fran..I think I would get in touch,and see if they can sort it..

18 Jul, 2014


I left it a couple of days in case they came back to finish, but no sign of them - this was Tuesday, so I phoned the HA office today and left a message. maybe they honestly forgot, having put the new back fence up, that there was an old fence behind it to be removed - they certainly removed all the old side fence panels.

18 Jul, 2014

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