sweet peas 2
By Franl155

17 Jul, 2014
They're actually growing on the other side of the fence, coming through the mesh - they're the yellowish bits to the left of the shrub on the right
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thanks Olive. Puzzle why these are growing beyond the fence - unless the original plants, just inside the fence, dropped seeds on the other side. The stems look so fragile, no wonder my attempt at them didn't work at the old place.
18 Jul, 2014
think it is just because they have been overcrowded and gone a bit straggly because of the lack of light Fran. Did you grow the ordinary sweet pea or the everlasting one, the latter comes back every year, cannot remember the proper name sorry.
18 Jul, 2014
I can't remember, to be honest, Olive. The pack just said "multi-pack sweet peas" as I recall. The instructions said to soak the seeds overnight, so I did half the pack and planted them the next day, it didn't look much so I shoved the rest in unsoaked, and added a pack of seeds that Katerina had very kindly sent me. Not a sausage from any of them.
Wonder if it'd do any good to transplant them? once the flowers have died back, cut the plant back and move the roots to a lighter spot? but then I've got to give them support.
18 Jul, 2014
Sounds like the annual sweet pea you had there Fran. Some years they can be a pain to grow, think it is something to do with the seeds though. I haven't really grown any for a long time. People on here start them off indoors and put them outside once the frosts are finished about the middle of May.
Think this one is the Lathyrus latifolius sweet pea you have growing there, now you see you made me google and find it not sure if that is correct but someone on here will say if it is not. Knew it began with an L..... lol :O)
18 Jul, 2014
thanks, Olive! that's an impressive name. lol I did it the easy way and just copied and pasted your research to get Google "images" - it does look very much like it, thanks.
I did plant the seeds outside, can't remember what month, probably not the right one - and that garden only got a maxumum of an hour's direct sunlight each dayánd only then if I were lucky.
18 Jul, 2014
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could be everlasting sweetpeas Fran :O) I have some in a pot climbing pretty pink flowers, :O)
18 Jul, 2014