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Daylily 'Carpathian Cavalier'


By Simbad

Daylily 'Carpathian Cavalier'

Thanks Wylie love it :-), 4 flowers open today so I've tried your suggested cross with 'Changing Latitudes', tried it both ways as several flowers open on each :-)

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This is one of my favourites, too. Mine has started reblooming, so I need to try to cross it with Crystal Blue Persuasion.

24 Jul, 2014


Oh wow!!! Its very unusual Simbad...:>)

25 Jul, 2014


I have a couple of buds left on 'Ledgewoods Calico Blues' so hopefully I might be able to try a cross with that.
Its lovely isn't it Moti, a lot of the minis have lovely eyes but must say this one's exceptional :-)

27 Jul, 2014

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This photo is of "Daylily 'Carpathian Cavalier'" in Simbad's garden

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