Daylily - 'Apple Swirl'

28 Jul, 2014
Two flowers at once. It really is a cascade type.
Comments on this photo
I gave it a front position where it is easy to water when it gets really dry.
28 Jul, 2014
Aaaah thats the secret, have to admit mine rarely get watered unless we get a really long spell of dry weather.
I've just been potting on another proliferation of this one from last year, to good a plant not to :-)
28 Jul, 2014
I have volcanic soil, which drains and dries very fast. Usually it might rain once during August. Since I have to fill a bowl in the front with water for the cats, I also put some on the flowers there.
28 Jul, 2014
I really like this one
28 Jul, 2014
Quite challenging for you then Wylie, you'd never guess from all your lovely daylily pictures you must have to water a lot.
29 Jul, 2014
Each area gets water once every 4 days when it is really dry. It is rough on the Eucomis that needs water more often.
29 Jul, 2014
This is superb!!!
13 Aug, 2014
OMG this is doing so well, obviously loving life in the Azores :-), looks even better than mum!!!
28 Jul, 2014